This a review of the things I've accomplished this month. Criteria for "accomplishment": something new that I learned or something new that I tried for the first time. Both types of newness are forms of growth I think are worth celebrating! I wrote 6 blog posts I was always favored by my English…
It's been 10 days since my last blog post, and they've been pretty busy! I have a series of miscellaneous updates, so I'll start with the most obviously interesting ones and iterate towards what I roughly perceive to be the least interesting. I've made a couple of new projects I just finished…
As a software developer learning Arduino and basic electronics, working in the Arduino IDE has left much to be desired. Over my years of programming, I've developed a very comfortable development workflow. The specifics of that workflow can change depending on the nuance of what I'm building or the…
Initially, this blog post was going to be pretty dull. I was going to describe some of the things I've been learning: the difference between energy and current, how pulse-width modulation works, the nuances behind how a multimeter functions, and many more juicy tidbits that are SO fun to write about…
It's the morning after I finished watching the 5th video in Paul McWhorter's series on Arduino and electronics. He spent much of the video reviewing the basics of switches and binary, so his assignment at the end was to build a small project with 4 LEDs (representing bits) that would visualize…
I'm a software engineer by day, but I've always wanted to learn more about electronics. I finally pulled the trigger by ordering myself an Arduino super starter kit from Amazon for Christmas. (\$38 is hard to beat!) As I've started following along with tutorials and tinkering with small…